Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Futures trading | SigmaForex

For every income there is always an opportunity cost, and this includes futures trading. This type of business allows online futures trading traders to calculate risk to minimize cost on futures trading. True, there are many guidelines in futures trading, but they are not risk free common to all types of businesses.
To be successful futures trading trader, it is important to have a plan. First, it is important how much amount will be put in as a capital for your trading business; second, the secret is experience and choose the best broker. It is important to look for a trainer or a mentor who is a seasoned futures trading trader.

Third, is identification of futures trading style; is it short or long term futures trading? Risking an amount as a capital for online futures trading should be calculated, to avoid losing a big sum of money. It can provide higher profits, but it can also make you lose money for futures trading.

Too little investment in futures trading, limit your capacity in practicing sound speculation in financial management in a futures trading environment. It is best to study one's trading style and the quantity of hours spent in online futures trading. Futures trading traders require the whole day on line, if trading during the day or swing trade futures are preferred.

There are four important principal ideas about to consider in a futures trading, they are: trend trading, diminishing losses, running profits, and risk management. Trend trading is a tactic used by position traders in online futures trading, they follow the market closely, at least yearly but it is advisable to follow the market closely.
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  • Margin Requirements

The margin requirements must be respected by Friday at 23:00 GMT and before holidays.

One of our dealers will contact you if you are below your margin requirements at that time. Your margin requirements will depend on the client's account equity. However, if you approach the level where the loss of your open positions approaches the balance of your account, you will be stopped out and your positions will be closed. Stop positions will be executed when there is only around 50% equity of the required margin left in your account.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 tips on finding a good money-market mutual fund

4 tips on how to find the best money-market mutual fund

Money-market mutual funds hold about $3.9 trillion in assets, and have become increasingly popular places to park cash amid the beating that stocks and even bonds have taken lately. Here are tips from experts on how to find the best money funds:

1. FIND THE RIGHT FIT: While their yields are pretty low across the board, different types of money funds invest in different types of debt. So pick the right type to balance how much safety you're willing to give up for a slightly higher yield.
Many funds buy super-safe government debt such as Treasury bills, and generally carry the lowest yields -- currently averaging a minuscule 0.1 percent or so. So-called prime funds seek slightly higher yields but accept marginal risk by venturing into some forms of corporate bonds, which carry the risk of default.
Money-market funds can also invest large sums in bank certificates of deposit, and command higher interest rates than you could get on your own. So-called tax-free money funds can invest in debt issued by state or local governments, which can offer tax advantages.
2. RESIST THE CHASE FOR YIELD: If you're comparing money fund yields, resist the temptation to buy a fund just based on a higher yield. Be sure to research the fund. Try to determine what risks the fund may be taking to generate the higher return -- such as a soured investment in Lehman Brothers bonds, that led one money fund to expose investors to losses last fall.

3. CHECK EXPENSES: Fund expenses are a big consideration because a small difference in the amount you pay can offset the relatively modest yield of a money fund. Generally, look for expense ratios below 0.5 percent.

4. MONITOR FEES: With money fund yields at historic lows, fund companies are finding they can barely meet fund expenses and make a profit. That pressures the companies to pass on higher fees. Monitor disclosures about such fee increases.

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Iowa House approves expanded unemployment benefits

Iowa House approves expanded unemployment benefits, sends measure to governor

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- The Iowa House gave final legislative approval Thursday to a measure doubling the length of unemployment benefits for jobless workers enrolled in training programs.
The House sent the measure allowing an extra 26 weeks of payments to Gov. Chet Culver on an 82-13 vote.
"We have to do something to make sure people are trained," said Rep. Wayne Ford, D-Des Moines, the main backer of the measure. "We have more unemployed than ever before and this is the way we can show the world we are going to take care of our people."

Culver has been supportive of the expansion but hasn't commented on the specific plan that moved through the Legislature.
The move will make Iowa eligible for $71 million in federal stimulus money. The federal package sets aside additional money for the states to pay unemployment benefits, but only if they agree to expand those benefits for three years.
In addition to extended benefits for workers in training programs, the Iowa measure offers benefits for some part-time workers and makes it clear that businesses won't be charged when they dismiss workers who were hired to replace someone who was deployed in the National Guard or Reserve.
Under the state's unemployment system, businesses are taxed based on their employment history, and some worried that hiring and then laying off a worker to replace someone who was deployed would add to the burden for businesses.
Supporters of the expansion said it was essential to help people in training programs as the work force meets the challenges of a changing economy.

Critics worried that lawmakers were putting in place a permanent expansion of Iowa's unemployment system. After the three years of federal funding runs out, they said businesses could be on the hook for the expanded program.
"We have no long-term plan," said Rep. Scott Raecker, R-Urbandale. "Once it's gone, where will we find the funds? We are looking at one-time money for an ongoing expense."
Others argued that lawmakers need to revisit the issue of jobless benefits periodically, and there's a breathing room to take another look later.
"That will allow us about three years to work on this," said Rep. Lance Horbach, R-Tama.

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Shakeout from money fund's collapse just starting

Shakeout from last fall's money-market fund collapse just starting to sink in

BOSTON (AP) -- It's not the sexiest investment around, but the money-market mutual fund has become a high-demand safe haven for those who can no longer stomach the stock market.
Think again, however, if you believe you've found quiet refuge among the growing ranks of play-it-safe types who have nearly $3.9 trillion stashed in these investments.
Money funds are generally safe places to park cash because they invest in the safest types of debt. Many buy government bonds such as Treasury bills, while so-called prime funds seek slightly higher yields but accept marginal risk by venturing into short-term corporate bonds.

The downside of such risk hit home last fall when a soured investment in Lehman Brothers debt spooked investors who suddenly pulled cash out of the Reserve Primary Fund. While that run was triggered by the fund's institutional clients, individual investors could end up losing roughly 8 cents on each dollar invested. The fund's collapse marked just the second instance that money fund investors have been exposed to losses in the nearly four decades money funds have been around.
To prevent another such debacle, the industry and government regulators are weighing fundamental changes in how money funds operate. Their moves could make money funds even safer, but trim their already tiny yields.
A program to temporarily provide money funds with government guarantees similar to FDIC bank deposit insurance is due to expire April 30, although it's expected to be extended. And some observers expect fund companies will eventually replace the government backing with their own industry insurance program.
Meanwhile, yields on taxable money funds -- a category that includes Treasury funds and prime funds -- fell to an all-time low average of 0.29 percent this week, according to the Money Fund Report, published by iMoneyNet.
The extended period of low yields has triggered a competitive shakeup. When it's over, the number of companies offering the more than 1,700 funds is expected to shrink, reducing consumers' money fund options
The changes are swirling around an investment that's usually so low-profile it's typically compared with bank certificates of deposit.
"Everybody will look forward to a time when money funds are boring again," said Peter Crane, publisher of the newsletter Money Fund Intelligence.
Still, experts say there are no indications that investors will suffer losses anytime soon in any other money funds. But the Reserve mess spurred proposals for changes that are just beginning to ripple across the money fund industry, which now holds about 40 percent of the total $9.4 trillion in all U.S. mutual fund assets. Some of the changes:

--GUARANTEES CAN BE FLEETING: With money fund assets at a record high, the guarantee program prompted by the Primary Fund's troubles is expected to be extended, possibly to Sept. 18 -- a year after the guarantees started.
Fund companies have paid more than $800 million so far in fees to extend government backing to their funds and bolster investor confidence. No claims have been paid out -- the Reserve Primary Fund didn't meet the coverage criteria.
The industry's trade group isn't counting on the guarantees sticking around. Paul Schott Stevens, the Investment Company Institute's chief executive, told a Senate panel Tuesday that ICI looks forward to "an orderly transition" out of the program.
A panel of fund industry leaders that the ICI recently convened expects to recommend money fund changes later this month.
While ICI isn't yet saying what it envisions, an adviser to institutional investors expects the industry will eventually dig into its pockets to create a private insurance system.
"Investors are looking to something to hang onto, even though money fund managers may have full confidence they don't need insurance," said Lance Pan, a research director at Newton, Mass.-based Capital Advisors Group.

--DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR RULE CHALLENGED: Money funds are supposed to hold at least $1 in assets for each investor dollar put in. That's the safety benchmark that the Primary Fund violated when it "broke the buck" after a rush of investor redemptions forced it to quickly unload assets.
Some critics argue the dollar-for-dollar target is too strict, and should allow fluctuations. That way, the thinking goes, investors afraid of seeing a fund break the buck would be less inclined to suddenly pull out.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke touched on the issue on Tuesday, saying that policymakers "should consider how to increase the resiliency of those funds that are susceptible to runs." Bernanke said possible approaches include tighter restrictions on the type of investments funds can make, and an insurance system to prevent instances of breaking the buck.
Robert Plaze, associate director of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Investment Management, said in an interview that his agency was examining ways to prevent individual investors from being hurt by institutional investors who can destabilize a fund by suddenly pulling out a huge sum.

In contrast, small-time investors "move in and out on a fairly predictable basis," Plaze said.

--YIELD SHAKEUP: With money fund yields near zero, some companies' returns are barely enough to offset expenses to run their lowest-yielding funds. That's led to several recent cases of providers closing Treasury-only funds to new investors, or limiting new investments by existing clients. Others are trimming or waiving management fees to ensure clients see modest returns. But eventually, providers may pass on higher fees to investors.
Crane, of Crane Data, said the competitive balance will increasingly tip in favor of bigger providers. And should a fund see one of its investments sour, bigger companies are more likely to have cash to temporarily prop up the fund and prevent it from breaking the buck.
In the end, said Crane: "The pressure will grow on some of those smaller players to exit the market."

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Audit: Fla. lottery sales going flat in recession

Auditors recommend more control of office space, commissions to offset flat Fla. lottery sales

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida Lottery sales are going flat, a legislative audit reported Thursday.

Growth in the lottery's annual contributions to education began to slow down in fiscal year 2007-08. Now, officials are reducing their goals for future years.
The audit by the Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability said the lottery is wasting money on excess office space and should review commissions paid to retailers who offer various games. Retailers earn a nickel for every dollar ticket sold and receive an additional 1 percent bonus for redeeming winning tickets.

Auditors said the lottery's operating expenses continue to increase mostly because of growth in its commission payments. The lottery paid $121 million to vendors for advertising and providing the online and scratch-off games in this fiscal year alone.
Auditors recommended the department expand its retailer network to increase sales, propose using vending machines for online ticket sales, secure competitive advertising and reduce commissions paid for higher-value scratch off tickets.
Lottery Secretary Leo DiBenigno said that the economy was not the only reason for the slowdown, and that he plans to ask the Legislature to approve some of the recommendations in the audit to help enhance sales, including instant ticket vending machines.
"There would be additional revenue available if we were able to use those tools," he said.

Lawmakers were concerned as well.

"People that were hoping gambling would pay for education, it's just not working out that way," said Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, after hearing about the lottery's woes at a morning education appropriations committee meeting.
The audit noted that the lottery has introduced new scratch off games, midday drawings and the multistate game, Powerball, in January in hopes of boosting sales in a sluggish economy. Powerball sales totaled $50 million in its first month, but sales decreased in several other existing games.
Florida was previously the only state that did not participate in any multistate games.
Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment in 1986 authorizing the state to operate a lottery with profits aimed at enhancing education.

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Treasurys rise after 30-year note auction

Treasury prices rise after gov't auctions $11 billion in 30-year bonds to strong demand

NEW YORK (AP) -- Treasury prices rose Thursday after the government auctioned $11 billion in 30-year bonds to robust demand.
The auction got nearly two-and-a-half as many bids as notes available. The Treasury Department has been selling debt at a record pace as it tries to fund the government's stimulus and bailout efforts. Just this week, it auctioned $63 billion in long-term government securities.

As the stock market rallied, Treasury prices rose, too.

The benchmark 10-year Treasury note rose 14/32 to 99 1/32. Its yield fell to 2.86 percent from 2.91 percent late Wednesday. Prices move opposite yields.
The two-year note rose 1/32 to 99 23/32, and its yield fell to 1.01 percent from 1.02 percent.
The 30-year bond rose 30/32 to 98 1/32, and its yield fell to 3.61 percent from 3.67 percent.
The yield on the safe-haven three-month Treasury bill slipped to 0.20 percent from 0.22 percent. The discount rate was 0.21 percent.
The cost of lending between banks dipped slightly. The British Bankers' Association said the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, on three-month loans in dollars fell 0.01 percentage points to 1.32 percent. Libor is down significantly from its peak last fall, but up from its mid-January low of 1.08 percent.

[SigmaForex Funding Methods]

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